Top 5 reasons for cloud migration failure

The process of cloud migration is difficult. A company frequently migrates for the first time when it decides to start its cloud journey. Usually, the corporation needs more historical knowledge to create a strategy suited to its particular business environment. Although the organization’s business portfolio and internal processes differ, cloud migration procedures are now standardized as per cloud consulting services experts. Costly errors may be made if a comprehensive strategy for the cloud is not considered. Although the migration problems faced by each organization vary, we have identified a few typical ways that cloud adoption might go wrong:

5 Common Cloud Migration Pitfalls to Avoid

1) Lax Executive Buy-in

In most firms, the CIO or CTO usually takes the lead in implementing the cloud, while other C-suite executives are less aware of its benefits or implications. As a result, there needs to be more leadership support and buy-in for strategic cloud migration, as per MVP software development experts. For instance, the C-suite executives may erroneously believe that the company is now completely cloud-ready if a specific cloud project is successfully finished. To ensure that all executive members understand the complexity of cloud migration, cloud initiators must consider IT, business, and legal considerations. When an organization learns that its cloud foundations need to be improved, IT and business become incredibly frustrated, which ultimately slows cloud migration. It brings the entire management team together around a single vision and strategy as per cloud consulting services experts.

2) Talent Sparsity

According to MVP software development experts, the biggest problem with migration is a lack of talent. Most businesses believe that their current level of competence is sufficient to implement cloud computing. However, the existing IT personnel frequently lacks understanding of the cloud. Although they may be aware of computing and storage, they may need to realize how holistically the cloud models should be created, deployed, and used. Knowing what skills are already in place and what skills are necessary for cloud migration requires a skill gap evaluation as per cloud consulting services experts. The details show the crunch when you compare your current situation to what you want it to be. Make a strategy to close the talent gap. It is advisable to include cloud consulting services providers like VoxturrLabs to assist you in realizing the to-be state.

3) Lack of Clear Objectives

Organizations must understand their needs and business barriers before starting the cloud migration plan. Organizations must ensure that the cloud selection is entirely objective and problem-focused. Although it appears simple on paper, most firms choose their cloud consulting services providers with prejudice. Even though the selected cloud technology might work, it might not be the best. As a result, the business spends money while output declines. The result is what matters here. It allows you to adopt the ideal cloud solution for your company.

4) Inadequate Resources

Most businesses misjudge the cost and time involved in cloud migration efforts. An organization will inevitably make huge mistakes on its first few projects. As per MVP software development experts, the project may be delayed by a few mistakes, such as selecting unfavorable technology or unfavorable performance problems. Therefore, organizations must consider these factors while creating their budget and timetable.

5) Uncertainty on Cloud-specific Risks

Organizations moving to the cloud frequently neglect to evaluate and identify their exposure to dangers unique to the cloud, as per MVP software development experts. Compliance with rules particular to the sector, business, and region and any changes needed to the risk management framework are pertinent factors to consider, as per cloud consulting services experts. Additionally, the cloud introduces new technologies, user interfaces, business ties, and processes. If these factors are not carefully considered, there are hazards to IT, the law, and cybersecurity. A comprehensive risk analysis aids in making risk-based decisions, modernizing the operating system, and modifying the framework for risk management. Additionally, businesses must implement awareness campaigns to establish the best cloud-using practices.


Though the causes mentioned above of cloud failure may be unconnected, they are all smoke signals from the same fire: hasty cloud adoption. Before beginning the migration, the stakeholders must maintain their ears to the ground and know their needs and goals. Given the short turnaround time, it is advisable to consider a third party like VoxturrLabs, who can assist you in setting up the cloud correctly the first time. Contact us for your benefit!