Until the blockade put by the banks in 2018, cryptocurrency trading was at its peak in India. Now the users can no longer fund their cryptocurrency cravings and the usage of cryptocurrency in the country has also diminished.
Even though one can make a lot of money from the cryptocurrency market, we Indians cannot. And that is because we can’t fund our crypto wallets, to begin with.
This is where Quidder steps in. It offers an excellent way for all Indians to start making money by showing off their cryptocurrency trading skills. Let us now have a closer look at the Quidder app.
Quidder App
Quidder is the very first championship game in India that allows you to notionally invest funds in cryptocurrency and win real money from it. Quidder has live games running on the platform 7 days a week. Each game starts in the morning at 9:00 A.M. and ends at 7:00 PM. During this time, users will have fun of investing a virtual funds of 1 Crore in various cryptocurrencies at live market rates.
At 7 PM, the player who has generated the highest profit on their investment is considered the winner and is awarded real money for the same.
Each game has an entry fee of Rs.100, and a total of 100 players can join a single game. The top 10 players with the maximum notional profit at the close of the day’s game will be able to win prize money of up to Rs.3000 which they can later withdraw into their bank accounts. This prize money will be lower if the number of players who join the game is less than 100.
You will have access to the leader board at all time. This will allow you to see your current ranking in the game along with the access to investments made by other users so that you can define your strategy based on the other player’s trade.
To make things even better, Quidder is offering free signup bonus using which you will be able to join the initial few games absolutely free. Thus, allowing you to earn money by making use of your crypto investing skills.
Key features of Quidder
i) App is available for both Android as well as ios devices.
ii) You can fund your Quidder wallet using debit, credit cards, UPI, net banking or even using other wallets. Thus, allowing you to take part in the game easily.
iii) If you end up winning a game, you will be able to withdraw the same amount into your bank account.
Quidder app is a great addition to the Indian crypto space. Even though users are not actually investing in cryptocurrency, the use of real-time crypto prices lets you feel like you are indeed investing in the crypto space. Additionally, you will not be losing any more than Rs.100 even if you predict the wrong crypto prices. Thus, helping you to better understand the crypto market without risking anything. With the banks putting a blockade to crypto investments, Quidder indeed is a great solution for every crypto enthusiastic.
Download now and start playing, Visit us at www.Quidder.co.in