It’s no secret that everyone wants to be on the first page of Google. What is a secret, to some people, is how to get there. All is fair in love and war, so any methods and trusty tips you may have will get you ahead of the curve. The secret to success lies in the minute details you notice and keep to yourself, as a trusty business secret. When you need a helping hand in getting to that knowledge and capitalising on it, we are here to help you out. The sooner you start, the better!
1. Mobile first
Today mobile devices and the internet traffic generated by them, dwarf those from the desktop. The reality of tech innovation and progress movies at a merciless pace, and any site that isn’t optimised to keep up pays the price of staying in the dirt and getting left behind. We’ve mentioned that it’s a cutthroat world out there, and your mobile marketing and mobile site optimisation better follow. Keeping your site mobile friendly and optimised gets Google to position you better than others that have failed to realise the change. Being in the hands of your customers at all times is how you generate incredible traffic and funnel future sales.
2. Social media are your friend
Social media platforms are plentiful, and all are there for you to pick&choose. Different platforms attract certain demographics, and this is your starting info. Positioning your site and catering to chosen social media gets you that traffic you sorely need, and Google loves traffic. When you interact with your customers on social media, it generates buzz and traction. Everyone loves attention, and you should be showing one towards your customers as part of your active social media strategy.
Don’t cast a far and wide net and try to cater to every platform in existence. Focus on one or a few key areas that best resonate with you and are properly suited for your business. That way, your resources are well spent, and you don’t lose an eye on the target.
3. Reach out to professionals
The topic and field of SEO is a waste and deep one, where you can get lost before you even start. Getting the ball rolling and creating an SEO department from scratch is admirable, but costly goal. Requirements for a good start are time, SEO professionals, and money. The first resource is already one you cannot gain. Every day you spend without proper SEO management generates opportunity costs that continuously pile up. Reaching out and outsourcing your SEO needs to companies with experienced and quality SEO professionals in Sydney will get you on the right track. You need all the help you can get, and lucky for your business, the market has those readily available. Creating a long-term partnership will create a profitable endeavour for all involved, and the results will speak for themselves.
4. Google Analytics
Getting people to your site is only half the battle. The other one is getting all those users to stay and interact with the content. Information is key to success, and using Google Analytics to your advantage, will show you exactly what you are doing right and wrong. Seeing the flow of traffic, and where it drops off will indicate where your choke points are. Then you can start improving and resolving the situation. Google Analytics also shows you from where your traffic comes, how long are they staying, and what devices are they using.
All this info helps you to create the ideal experience for your users. Better user experience equals more traffic, and more traffic leads to better Google rankings. The best part of Google Analytics is that it’s free, has plenty of free, online courses to get you started, and you are working hand in hand with Google.
5. Constant content
Google loves content, and the more you have it, the better. Think of Google as a service provider. As such, it aims to give its users the best product possible. Sites with constant content that adds value and meaning to people will stay front and centre. Starting a blog, keeping it updated, having mailing lists, posting on social media, interacting with people, noticing online reviews, and doing anything that creates meaningful online value is how your site will differentiate from others. Consistency trumps chance, and being consistent in your actions, doing the work and the daily grind gets you above others that ignore them. Your site is a living item that needs nurture, and nutrition comes in the form of quality content.
6. Link with relevant sites
Cooperation leads to mutual satisfaction. When you have a product that’s symbiotic by nature and can produce even greater results when paired with others, you have a recipe for success that’s brewing in the background. Capitalising on that relationship with relevant sites leads to a stronger online appearance. When you link with other sites, and they link back to you, you are creating connected content. That type of content produces better results as Google emphasises affiliate sites and affiliates.
No man is an island, and your business can’t survive on its own. When you connect with other sites that have quality content as you do, you are creating a network of profitable possibilities. Each link with authority multiplies the value of your content and lets it strive. When all your creations are left alone, they perform worse, compared to when being teamed up with others. Cooperation creates wonderful results for all involved, and reaching out and making the first step towards a joint venture is the proper way to start a business.
Change starts with you deciding to create a better version of your site. A proactive mindset gets you further along the track with others because you realise that the modern way of doing business is always evolving. What was working yesterday, likely does not work today, and you need to re-invent something for tomorrow. Such actions put you ahead and above others when it comes to ranking, so it’s best you get started. The sooner, the better and your rankings will be higher!