Every day thousands of people from all over the world opt for free proxies for different purposes. Some of them want to conceal their location while others need to access websites that are blocked in their region.
Whatever the Internet users do, proxies make their experiences on the web better. While many of us are sure the Internet is packed with free services, we should remember that nothing comes without a price. If you choose a free proxy, you’re actually transferring your browsing info to the proxy server to replace your IP. In other words, you are anonymous only to the sites you access, but the proxy knows everything about your experience on the net.
3 reasons to avoid free proxies
We collected several important reasons why you shouldn’t choose free proxies. Check them carefully and begin looking for alternatives.
1. Most free proxies don’t use HTTPS
Your connection to the proxy is vulnerable because it is unencrypted without HTTPS. It means other people can see the traffic you are sending at ease as it is available within the network. To prevent this, use better-quality options. For example, if you need to access a French site, use a France proxy that allows HTTPS.
2. Your cookies can be stolen
A proxy is between you and the Internet, so there is a chance that the owner of the proxy server can use your cookies for personal purposes. It is impossible when you choose a reliable provider like Fineproxy.org, that always provides its customers with the best proxies for different locations.
3. It may contain malware
Using a free proxy, you are at risk of infecting your computer. Some hackers use advertisements as a tool for the distribution of malicious programs, and free proxy services usually rely on ads to keep their services alive.