If you are a student of architecture, engineering or design, you wouldn’t be new to the term DWG. With complex design structures, this file can be a pain, making you wish you had a PDF, which could easily be transferred between applications and operating systems. With their comparably smaller sizes, decent image quality and ability to be secured, PDF’s are undoubtedly the chosen file type for students and professionals alike.
So, what happens when you receive a DWG file? We shall, in this article, have a look at how you can easily get such a file converted to the PDF format. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Download the reaConverter to Your System
This software makes DWG to PDF conversion fast and easy. Apart from this, it can also help you manage many other conversions with ease. It also gives you a large number of editing options. This software downloads fast and is also very easy to install and navigate.
Step 2: Load Your DWG Files
Now that you have installed this software on your device, you can get your DWG files loaded. The first thing you have to do is select a DWG from a folder. You can even do this by dragging and dropping a folder into the window.
Step 3: Choose an Output Folder
You are almost done. It’s time to save your new PDF files. For this, you need to click on the Savings Option tab and choose where you want to save these files. You can even get the images edited before saving.
Step 3: Select PDF as Output Format
At the bottom of the reaConverter window is a series of buttons. You can click on the one that you need. This way, you can pick the PDF as output format. If you want to add new options, you can click on the Plus button.
Step 4: You are Done
All you have to do is press the start button. You can now enjoy your content in the more convenient PDF format. So, congratulate yourself with a tap on the back and get to work on your newly converted PDF file.
Why reaConverter?
That was simple, wasn’t it? Now, while you have a range of softwares that can help you get a DWG file converted to the PDF format, what makes this software so special is that it is versatile, has a lot of useful features and finally, highly efficient. It is for this reason that this software is relied on by thousands of users over the world. There are many other tools to get free online pdf converter and you can make your work seamless.