A Perfect Designer and a Perfect Design

Although each designer has a different plan for building a website, there is a to-do list for most such projects. We created this checklist that we made with the essentials in building a good web interface that is consistent, easy to use and aesthetically pleasing.

There is a space between elements, quality custom images, powerful internal search tools, and creative ways to invite the user to interact. These are the elements that together define the user experience that accesses one of your pages. For the website design this is the best bit.

How to create foolproof layouts

Here are ten things you should prioritize on your site, followed by practical examples of how to apply each site and tips on how to use it in your next site design project. We will see that small details make all the difference.


Spacing is one of the most important elements in layouts. Space dictates visual flow up and read speed (or readability). Designers are starting to use space in ways we haven’t seen on the Internet in the past decade, mainly because of the popularization of touchscreens.

There must be consistency in spacing and space relations. Similar elements should include similar spacing. The amount of space between lines in a paragraph should follow a pattern (or proportions), as well as the margin size around images.

Space is also important when creating a focal point for interface perception. An image or text block surrounded by white space may appear to be larger and more important than one allocated along with other blocks of information and in a tighter part of the layout.

It is also worth remembering that the space should not necessarily be white. It refers to the absence of elements and may well be a dark background color or a well applied texture.

Choose the center element, such as a menu, form, or highlight image. White space can highlight this element in the visual hierarchy.

Make sure the information is organized in a way that includes consistent spaces between the elements. If there is a replicated content block across multiple pages and sessions of the site, its spacing should remain the same.

Make each button or block of content highlighted with due weight in the information hierarchy.

Do not divert user attention to unimportant blocks. One part of the layout should not vie for attention with another at the same time.


Navigation should not be complicated! It should be easy to identify and be used. It is also important to keep navigation menus simplified so that they do not overload the user with too much information.

Web browsing also includes tools that help users flow through the site. Sites with parallax effect, for example, often include arrows that guide the user. A layout must be user-friendly. The easier it is for people to navigate your site, the more likely a user is to get what they are looking for before leaving.


The more menu items, the less depth, and the less, the more levels of the hierarchy displayed. Balance the navigation.

Use conventional navigation patterns

The user will not study a manual to learn how to use your site. The main menu of a site is in the header; the main logo is usually a link to home; and so on.