5 Ways to Increase Your Privacy and Stay Safe on the Internet

People are taking online platforms for granted. Everyday a lot of crimes occur that arise from the online world. The main issue is that people are using excessively using these platforms without securing them. Many people update their personal life on social media platforms. Where they are going, to whom they are meeting, what’s the daily routine, why to update every activity, and how does it matter?

More you do the self-publicist; more you are subject to the cyber-crime.

Go for Privacy Setting:

It is recommended to hide the personal information on every social media platform; it depends on you, which information you want to share with the strangers, and what information you want to keep it private.

To be on the safer side, do not make your account public; hide the irrelevant information from the public like where you live, where you work, where you study, and many more.

Use Private Browsing to escape tracking:

How many websites you navigate daily? And how many are safe? Many websites reveal your data to marketers without even taking permission from you.

Is there any solution to this? Yes, start using private browsers to hide the history of what you browsed and escape from marketers who spam your mail with the ads.

Imran Ahmad Breach Lawyer, the Board member of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliances Cyber Council, actively working with the clients and making their operations secure on the internet by making them aware of the licensing privacy practice, and making better service-provider arrangements.

Anti-Virus Software:

People dealing with confidential data know well how dangerous is the Malware and Spyware. They are the parasites that suck your hard-work.

Anti-Software is a must for the computer and the mobile to protect the confidential data. Hackers know how to track your location, and how to steal your data.

Hackers keep updating these viruses, hence, to have better protection; people need to update the latest versions of anti-viruses as soon as they are available in the market.

Do not click the suspicious link:

Many fraudsters will send mail that appears to be real. Do not fall for masquerading mail that asks for the financial details. No bank will ever ask for the financial details through mail.

Always check the URL thoroughly before opening any mail. Don’t get victimized keep your mind and eyes open. In case of any suspicion, it is better to clarify from the bank.

Imran Ahmad is the Canadian Lawyer in cyber-security, aiding many organizations and solved many issues relating to cross-border data transfer and information governance so that the company’s data is protected.

Restrict the use of Mobile App:

Many people love to download a lot of apps like games and E-commerce sites. They are doing nothing but revealing their data and other information to strangers. Carefully download and only use them when required.

These apps ask for permission to have access to the contact list, camera, and location. Be very sure while granting permission.