3 Ways Connected Hospitals & IoT Technology Will Impact Patient Health

The use of technology in our daily undertakings has been increasing rapidly in recent years. All industries around the world are embracing its use in an attempt to enhance efficiency and growth. And there is no leaving the health sector behind. Hospitals and health facilities are gradually adopting the use of IoT technology in their medical service delivery.

IoT technology is a network of smart devices that are internet-connected and monitored. Some of the applications of IoT and connected hospital technology include smart hospitals, robotics, remote monitoring of patients, and tracking.

In a health care facility that is using this technology, some of the applications and devices that you may find include patient monitors, therapy devices, remote treatment capabilities, wearable fitness trackers, assisted living, among others.

There are numerous ways in which the connected hospital technology is changing and improving service delivery in the health care industry. We at the NetSuite Consulting we are delighted to highlight several ways in which the Internet of Things technology is influencing the health of patients.


Maintaining high standards of efficiency in the health care industry has always been a challenge. It might be difficult for doctors to keep track of all their patients and always be there when needed. The collection and management of patients’ data have, at times, lacked accuracy. However, the use of technology is increasingly bolstering the efficiency levels in the health care sector.

For the treatment of a patient to be effective, there is a need for adequate and accurate data collection. With IoT technology, health centers are using gadgets such as smart hospital wristbands and medical equipment with sensors.

Such devices can collect real-time data that can be accessed remotely. As a result, it will take less time for patients to check-in in hospitals and receive necessary medical attention.

On patient monitoring, the use of technology enables medical professionals to keep track of their clients. The use of devices that monitor blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and other essential patient information in real-time is growing. With these monitoring devices, health workers can monitor their clients and know when they need their attention.

Safety and Accuracy

At times, there are reports of mistakes that occur in hospitals here and there. These mistakes are usually preventable. However, every human being is prone to errors. An error in the health facility may endanger a patient’s health or even lead to fatality. However, the use of IoT can significantly reduce the occurrence of errors in our medical facilities.

Hospitals can apply the use of wristbands that are IoT-connected for patient identification and monitoring. They can also collect the patient’s medical information and check for underlying medical conditions.

Doing so will ensure that there is no room for mix-ups during critical medical procedures such as diagnosis, surgery, drug prescription, and administration.

Health Management

The patient monitoring applications, the IoT technology is allowing people to manage their health on a personal level. People can keep track of their heart rate, cholesterol, blood pressure, temperature, among other things.

With this technology, patients can take care of themselves, which may reduce the need for the doctor’s attention. This use of this technology allows many people to observe healthy living in their homes. Many people are, therefore, able to take preventive measures for numerous health conditions when going about their day-to-day activities.

IoT technology also helps in managing the health of patients by collecting and keeping real-time medical data. Both the patient and the doctor have access to this data to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Health professionals are also able to monitor patients on home care programs, allowing them to offer timely medical attention whenever necessary.

There are some areas where health care resources are limited. This may be due to a high population or remoteness. Some of the challenges in such areas include limited medical facilities and inadequate personnel. Here, IoT can help in improving service delivery. Patients can have access to medical guidance from doctors through virtual communication, such as video conferencing. Doing so would increase the number of patients that receive medical services.

Just like any other industry, the health sector is expanding its use of technology. The reasons behind this expansion include the need for efficiency and accuracy and cost reduction in medical service delivery. However, challenges are facing the use of technology in health care facilities. This is due to the lack of adequate knowledge in the use and management of these such systems. NetSuite Consulting we offer services on connection and application of the IoT technology.